桃瀬因为受到前上司的职场霸凌,精神和胃部都受到了伤害,因此辞去了原来的工作,转行到广告代理商担任销售职位。但是,过去的创伤令他担心:“如果这个新的上司也是一个施行职场霸凌的人,我该怎么办……”,首日上班就因过于紧张而出现剧烈的胃痛。在他外出巡回的途中,痛得不能动弹只能蹲在地上。“我得快点站起来……否则会被踢到……” 桃瀬焦虑不堪,而此时,同行的新上司白崎则做出了出人意料的举动……?!
桃瀬和白崎为了制作翻新游乐园的广告而前往现场进行取材。“我认为为了做出好的广告,实际体验那些游玩设施是非常重要的。” 在白崎的建议下,他们体验了旋转木马、过山车等各种设施。成功完成取材的回程中,他们乘坐的电车因为停电而紧急停止了。在黑暗的车厢里,桃瀬向白崎讲述了他“决定辞职那一天”的情况……?!
8第 8 集
Momose and Shirosaki's next business trip takes them to Shirosaki's hometown in Akita Prefecture. Shirosaki is triggered by the trauma of being snatched up by a namahage demon as a child during the local festival, but he is able to complete their field research safely. Previously, Shirosaki received a phone call from his grandmother saying, "I have something I want to show you," so the two head to Shirosaki's family home. At his grandmother's suggestion, they look at and reminisce over old photo albums when his grandmother reveals that "what she wants to show" is something Shirosaki never expected.
9第 9 集
The group – Momose, Shirosaki, Aoyama, and Kinjo – end up going to a last-minute mixer. Momose becomes depressed when bad memories resurface of a mixer he attended with his previous boss. But as the current mixer kicks off, Momose and the others get absorbed in Aoyama's story. When Kinjo follows Aoyama, who had left his seat during the mixer, and asks if there's anyone he is interested in, Aoyama becomes somewhat evasive. It seems there is a reason that Aoyama has become the life of the party…!
10第 10 集
Halloween, reading, autumn festivals… Autumn spent with Shirosaki is still full of "goofy" moments! As the days pass, Momose continues living together with Shirosaki. On one of their days off, Shirosaki suggests checking out a delicious restaurant in the neighborhood, and the two decide to go. After enjoying lunch at a restaurant that caught their eye, the two take a walk at the nearby park.