


Guy Savoy



出生地:Nevers, Nièvre, France




Guy Patrice Savoy (born 24 July 1953) is a French chef who is the head chef and owner of the eponymous Guy Savoy restaurant in Paris and its sister restaurant in Las Vegas, both of which have gained multiple Michelin stars. He owns three other restaurants in Paris. Guy Savoy was born on 24 July 1953 in Nevers. In 1955, his parents moved to Bourgoin-Jallieu, a town in Isère, where his father was a gardener and his mother owned a taproom that she would transform into a restaurant. After a three-year apprenticeship with the Troisgros brothers and multiple experiences at prestigious restaurants, he opened his own restaurant in New York before opening in rue Duret, Paris, in 1980, which received two Michelin stars in 1985. He earned his third Michelin star in 2002. In 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, La Liste named his restaurant at 11 quai de Conti the Best Restaurant in the World. He is married to Danielle Savoy and has two children: Caroline (born 21 January 1978) and Franck (born 4 June 1979). Gordon Ramsay was trained under Guy Savoy, and has described him as his culinary mentor. He recorded the voice of sous-chef Horst for the French version of the Pixar animated film Ratatouille, released in August 2007. He is on the board of directors of the French Mission for Food Culture & Heritage (Mission Française du Patrimoine et des Cultures Alimentaires), which successfully applied for inscription of the "gastronomic meal of the French" on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In 2017 and 2018, he was a member of the Prix Versailles World Judges Panel. Just days before the release of the 2023 Michelin Guide for France, news broke that Savoy’s eponymous flagship restaurant in Paris was being demoted from three Michelin stars to two. Source: Article "Guy Savoy" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.



Guy Patrice Savoy (born 24 July 1953) is a French chef who is the head chef and owner of the eponymous Guy Savoy restaurant in Paris and its sister restaurant in Las Vegas, both of which have gained multiple Michelin stars. He owns three other restaurants in Paris. Guy Savoy was born on 24 July 1953 in Nevers. In 1955, his parents moved to Bourgoin-Jallieu, a town in Isère, where his father was a gardener and his mother owned a taproom that she would transform into a restaurant. After a three-year apprenticeship with the Troisgros brothers and multiple experiences at prestigious restaurants, he opened his own restaurant in New York before opening in rue Duret, Paris, in 1980, which received two Michelin stars in 1985. He earned his third Michelin star in 2002. In 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, La Liste named his restaurant at 11 quai de Conti the Best Restaurant in the World. He is married to Danielle Savoy and has two children: Caroline (born 21 January 1978) and Franck (born 4 June 1979). Gordon Ramsay was trained under Guy Savoy, and has described him as his culinary mentor. He recorded the voice of sous-chef Horst for the French version of the Pixar animated film Ratatouille, released in August 2007. He is on the board of directors of the French Mission for Food Culture & Heritage (Mission Française du Patrimoine et des Cultures Alimentaires), which successfully applied for inscription of the "gastronomic meal of the French" on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In 2017 and 2018, he was a member of the Prix Versailles World Judges Panel. Just days before the release of the 2023 Michelin Guide for France, news broke that Savoy’s eponymous flagship restaurant in Paris was being demoted from three Michelin stars to two. Source: Article "Guy Savoy" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.






2024-05-29 共20集

美国FOX频道推出规模最大,甚至于全美最大,参赛者阵容最庞大的厨艺竞赛综艺节目,全美厨师选秀活动。 参赛者几乎来自各行各业,相同的是他们都对烹饪充满热情与希望!而最后的胜者不仅仅可以获得二十五万美元,属于你自己的菜谱,还有一个最重要的东西,Masterchef的奖杯。




2023-09-28 9

《地獄廚房》是一檔備受歡迎的美食真人秀節目,由米歇爾·馬爾科姆和戈登·拉姆齊主持。第二十季的主題是「年輕槍手」(Young Guns),共有16名年齡在23歲以下的廚師選手參加比賽。他們將在艱苦的競爭中展現自己的才華,爭奪10萬美元的獎金和一份在拉姆齊旗下餐廳工作的機會。本季節目的比賽將充滿挑戰和壓力,參賽者需要在有限的時間內完成各種複雜的烹飪任務。他們將面臨嚴格的評判和挑剔的顧客,必須在短時間內為客人提供高品質的美食。在這個過程中,選手們將展示他們的烹飪技巧和個性,並與其他選手競爭。 《地獄廚房》第二十季共16集,每集長度約42分鐘。觀眾將看到選手在艱苦的環境中競爭,為了贏得勝利而不斷努力和進步。同時,觀眾也可以欣賞到精美的菜餚和獨特的烹飪風格。該節目在全球廣受歡迎,是美食愛好者不容錯過的精彩節目。讓我們一起探索這部影視作品的精彩之處吧!這部作品名為地獄廚房(美版) 第二十二季,它是2023年的一部綜藝作品,由內詳執導,戈登·拉姆齊,Johnathan,Benvenuti,Mattias,Butts,Raneisha,Conerly ,Sandra,Day,Brad,Delgado,Claudia,Diawara,Jason,Hedin,Carmen,Ibarra,Melissa,Irons,Atoye,Johnson,Dahmere,Merriweather,Ryan,O'Sullivan,Leigh,Orleans,Devon,Rosenblatt,Jason,O'Sullivan,Leigh,Orleans,Devon,Rosenblatt,JasonJason ,Santos,Sammi,Tar等實力派演員傾情演繹。這部作品以為語言,其劇情引人入勝,讓觀眾沉浸其中,久久不能自拔。故事發生在內部研究這樣一個令人著迷的背景下,每個細節都被精心呈現,讓觀眾彷彿置身其中。這個故事不僅僅是一部普通的綜藝作品,它融合了浪漫、懸疑、動作等元素,為觀眾呈現了一場精彩的視覺饗宴。在地獄廚房(美版) 第二十二季中,您將跟隨主角的腳步,經歷一系列令人驚嘆的冒險和挑戰。劇情緊湊,扣人心弦,每個轉折都將引發您的好奇心。導演透過精湛的鏡頭語言和緊張刺激的劇情,將觀眾帶入一個意想不到的世界,讓人難以預料的情節將會讓您欲罷不能。




2023-09-03 更新至15集
