






又名:Sam Fuller,사무엘 풀러,새뮤얼 풀러



Samuel Michael Fuller (August 12, 1912 – October 30, 1997) was an American screenwriter, novelist and film director known for low-budget genre movies with controversial themes. He was born Samuel Michael Fuller in Worcester, Massachusetts, the son of Benjamin Rabinovitch, a Jewish immigrant  from Russia, and Rebecca Baum, a Jewish immigrant from Poland. After immigrating to America, the family's surname was changed from Rabinovitch to "Fuller" possibly by inspiration of a Doctor who arrived in America on the Mayflower.  At the age of 12, he began working in journalism  as a newspaper  copyboy. He became a crime reporter  in New York City at age 17, working for the New York Evening Graphic. He broke the story of Jeanne Eagels' death.  He wrote pulp novels and screenplays  from the mid-1930s onwards. Fuller also became a screenplay  ghostwriter  but would never tell interviewers which screenplays that he ghost-wrote explaining "that's what a ghost writer is for". During World War II, Fuller joined the United States Army infantry. He was assigned to the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, and saw heavy fighting. He was involved in landings in Africa, Sicily, and Normandy  and also saw action in Belgium and Czechoslovakia. In 1945 he was present at the liberation of the German concentration camp at Falkenau  and shot 16 mm footage which was used later in the documentary Falkenau: The Impossible. For his service, he was awarded the Bronze Star, the Silver Star, and the Purple Heart.  Fuller used his wartime experiences as material in his films, especially in The Big Red One (1980), a nickname of the 1st Infantry Division. After his controversial film "White Dog" was shelved by Paramount pictures, Fuller moved to France, and never directed another American film. Fuller eventually returned to America. He died of natural causes in his California home. In November 1997, the Directors Guild held a three hour memorial in his honor, hosted by Curtis Hanson, his long time friend and co-writer on White Dog. He was survived by his wife Christa and daughter Samantha.



Samuel Michael Fuller (August 12, 1912 – October 30, 1997) was an American screenwriter, novelist and film director known for low-budget genre movies with controversial themes. He was born Samuel Michael Fuller in Worcester, Massachusetts, the son of Benjamin Rabinovitch, a Jewish immigrant  from Russia, and Rebecca Baum, a Jewish immigrant from Poland. After immigrating to America, the family's surname was changed from Rabinovitch to "Fuller" possibly by inspiration of a Doctor who arrived in America on the Mayflower.  At the age of 12, he began working in journalism  as a newspaper  copyboy. He became a crime reporter  in New York City at age 17, working for the New York Evening Graphic. He broke the story of Jeanne Eagels' death.  He wrote pulp novels and screenplays  from the mid-1930s onwards. Fuller also became a screenplay  ghostwriter  but would never tell interviewers which screenplays that he ghost-wrote explaining "that's what a ghost writer is for". During World War II, Fuller joined the United States Army infantry. He was assigned to the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, and saw heavy fighting. He was involved in landings in Africa, Sicily, and Normandy  and also saw action in Belgium and Czechoslovakia. In 1945 he was present at the liberation of the German concentration camp at Falkenau  and shot 16 mm footage which was used later in the documentary Falkenau: The Impossible. For his service, he was awarded the Bronze Star, the Silver Star, and the Purple Heart.  Fuller used his wartime experiences as material in his films, especially in The Big Red One (1980), a nickname of the 1st Infantry Division. After his controversial film "White Dog" was shelved by Paramount pictures, Fuller moved to France, and never directed another American film. Fuller eventually returned to America. He died of natural causes in his California home. In November 1997, the Directors Guild held a three hour memorial in his honor, hosted by Curtis Hanson, his long time friend and co-writer on White Dog. He was survived by his wife Christa and daughter Samantha.


1993 第46届洛迦诺国际电影节 荣誉豹奖

1984 第34届柏林国际电影节 主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名) 夜晚的贼

1980 第33届戛纳电影节 主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名) 红一纵队

1953 第14届威尼斯电影节 主竞赛单元 金狮奖 (提名) 南街奇遇






文德斯描写了暴力的外在表现,试图从一个新的角度来探讨现代社会里的暴力问题。迈克·马克斯是好莱坞的电影监制,他成功地制作了一系列血腥暴力的动作片,成为电影圈名利双收权重一时的人物。 影片中与科技相伴随的不仅是疏离,还有暴力。马克斯用他的电脑制作暴力电影,而加布里尔·拜恩扮演的科学家雷被迫操纵着一套奥威尔式的监视系统,政府特工靠它可以希望可以如愿地消灭敌人。新的通信技术与其说是我们“疏离的现状”的象征,更是它的实际根源文德斯的这部作品有着针对加利福尼亚娱乐业的用心,影片展现了人类文化中暴力成分给予人的情感冲击。





在本部纪录片中,马丁·斯克西斯以文森特·明尼里的《玉女奇遇》开场,向我们抛掷导演与制片人之间永恒的矛盾,进而引出影片的第一部分《导演的两难境地》;《导演是讲故事者》分别介绍了美国三大类型片:西部片、警匪片和歌舞片;《导演是魔术师》则介绍电影的视觉手法和特效等;《导演像走私犯》里介绍他所喜爱的几位导演和其作品;《导演应打破旧习》更是谈及多位举足轻重的知名导演。马丁·斯克西斯通过对老电影片段的剪辑和对人物的访谈,面对镜头侃侃而谈,就像开篇所说:“电影就是疾病,就像吸毒一样。解决之道,就是拍更多的电影”。   在将近四个小时的光影中,马丁·斯克西斯以其独特的风格,向我们介绍了六十年代的美国电影,尤其是他所钟爱的影片以及导演,带领我们一起走进他的美国电影之旅。




