


Danny Winn







Danny Winn has shown himself to be quite the versatile and instinctual actor with many faces. Not only in Hollywood but nationally and soon internationally. He brings his theatrical prowess to the big screen in two breakout movies this spring. Danny will first be seen this March in his Lead role of the hard to figure Paul, a Priest who struggles with his own inner Demon’s in the suspense thriller “The Crossbreed”. A film Directed by the well known Turkish director Biray Dalkiran. This is Dalkiran’s ninth feature film, and is his first debut movie to Hollywood and the US. The Crossbreed received several awards at the many LA film festivals and is released internationally. Danny Winn’s second movie release this spring will be in the period western “Hyde Park” under the direction of Nicholas Barton. Barton is known for his love of true western stories of the untold, and his meticulous nature to authenticity of the story. Danny will open the movie and appear in his strong supporting role as Happy Jim. A Faro dealer who is truly caught in the crossfire of love, jealousy, arrogance, and the old west struggle of survival and control. Danny’s role as Happy Jim takes his method to new heights as he plays basically two characters in one. Viewers will also be able to witness Winn’s learned talents and skills in card dealing which he studied specifically for this role. Danny even developed a signature card move for this film known as the Faro flip. One must watch closely too, as Winn performs his own stunts in Hyde Park. Danny Winn performs along side the likes of C Thomas Howell, Luke Arnold, Viva Bianca, Richard Riehle, MC Gainey and more. Winn states that his believability, and instinctual method are drawn from his many true life experiences. He taps into a wide range of learned emotion form many memories out of his inner self and combines them with how he feels the character to be on the outside. Danny’s belief is that the true magic happens at the action of the scene when filming “The character will truly shine instinctually in the moment without over processing.” His adaptability as well as accessibility to emotions derives from the many people, characters and experiences he discovered while moving about the many stations of his fathers military duty spanning 21 years. Danny was trained in the degree of "Fine Arts In Theatre" . He attained several Supporting, Guest Star and Co Star roles in series' such as NBC's "The Night Shift", AMC's "Longmire", "Graves” as well as WGN's "Manhattan". Danny also expanded to small stunt and stunt coordinator roles in various capacities on productions such as AMC;s "Preacher", the movie "Shot Collar", "The cost of Sin", and as a horse rider in the remake of "The Magnificent 7". One of Winn’s first feature film roles was in the movie “Gold” in his scene with Mathew McConaughey. Danny performs as a disgruntled investor who is ready to throw blows with McConaughey’s character. Gold was released in 2017.



Danny Winn has shown himself to be quite the versatile and instinctual actor with many faces. Not only in Hollywood but nationally and soon internationally. He brings his theatrical prowess to the big screen in two breakout movies this spring. Danny will first be seen this March in his Lead role of the hard to figure Paul, a Priest who struggles with his own inner Demon’s in the suspense thriller “The Crossbreed”. A film Directed by the well known Turkish director Biray Dalkiran. This is Dalkiran’s ninth feature film, and is his first debut movie to Hollywood and the US. The Crossbreed received several awards at the many LA film festivals and is released internationally. Danny Winn’s second movie release this spring will be in the period western “Hyde Park” under the direction of Nicholas Barton. Barton is known for his love of true western stories of the untold, and his meticulous nature to authenticity of the story. Danny will open the movie and appear in his strong supporting role as Happy Jim. A Faro dealer who is truly caught in the crossfire of love, jealousy, arrogance, and the old west struggle of survival and control. Danny’s role as Happy Jim takes his method to new heights as he plays basically two characters in one. Viewers will also be able to witness Winn’s learned talents and skills in card dealing which he studied specifically for this role. Danny even developed a signature card move for this film known as the Faro flip. One must watch closely too, as Winn performs his own stunts in Hyde Park. Danny Winn performs along side the likes of C Thomas Howell, Luke Arnold, Viva Bianca, Richard Riehle, MC Gainey and more. Winn states that his believability, and instinctual method are drawn from his many true life experiences. He taps into a wide range of learned emotion form many memories out of his inner self and combines them with how he feels the character to be on the outside. Danny’s belief is that the true magic happens at the action of the scene when filming “The character will truly shine instinctually in the moment without over processing.” His adaptability as well as accessibility to emotions derives from the many people, characters and experiences he discovered while moving about the many stations of his fathers military duty spanning 21 years. Danny was trained in the degree of "Fine Arts In Theatre" . He attained several Supporting, Guest Star and Co Star roles in series' such as NBC's "The Night Shift", AMC's "Longmire", "Graves” as well as WGN's "Manhattan". Danny also expanded to small stunt and stunt coordinator roles in various capacities on productions such as AMC;s "Preacher", the movie "Shot Collar", "The cost of Sin", and as a horse rider in the remake of "The Magnificent 7". One of Winn’s first feature film roles was in the movie “Gold” in his scene with Mathew McConaughey. Danny performs as a disgruntled investor who is ready to throw blows with McConaughey’s character. Gold was released in 2017.






2022-04-24 共8集

本剧改编自播客《Slow Burn》第一季,聚焦水门事件丑闻背后不为人知的故事和被遗忘的人物——从尼克松总统笨手笨脚、投机取巧的下属,到帮助、教唆他们犯下罪行的狂热派,以及最终导致整个腐败团体下台的吹哨人。   故事围绕Martha Mitchell展开。Martha惹人注目、口无遮拦,是阿肯色州的社交名流,也是尼克松忠诚的司法部长John Mitchell的妻子。尽管她有党派背景,却是第一个公开就尼克松参与水门事件发出警告的人,这导致了总统任期的崩塌,和她的个人生活的破裂。作为司法部长,Mitchel





The true story of a recently widowered lawman who befriends a boy dying of tuberculosis and a madam of the local brothel while their town is being politically and violently overtaken by a gang of reckless cattlemen from Texas.





‎噩梦是关于恶魔的占有。很久以前,在一个小镇上有一个邪恶,它嫉妒的女孩,永远不会让她走,因为魔鬼爱的女孩。一天晚上,邪恶强奸了女孩,她怀孕了。几个月后,女孩无法隐藏她的孩子,她的父亲把她的秘密弄明白,用熨斗拍了拍女孩,锁上了她的房间门。但是邪恶把枪放在她父亲的庙里救了那个女孩。父亲中风了,在床上睡了三个月就死了。时间流逝,女孩把一个孩子带到了这个世界。自然,住在村里的人听到了这个故事,他们不想看到女孩和婴儿,因为当婴儿出生时,植物在田里干涸,鱼在湖里丢失,人们向上帝祈祷下雨,但村里什么都没有改变。人们很生气,在喷泉前挖了一个洞,把她放进洞里,朝她脸上扔石头。女孩不久就死了。邪恶从深渊中去, 报复了村庄, 杀死了除两个姐妹以外的所有人, 因为邪恶希望她们照顾它的孩子。。。‎