






又名:Madison B. McLaughlin,Madison Blaine McLaughlin

Overview (4)","Date of Birth\t5 November 1995, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA","Birth Name\tMadison Blaine Favaron","Nickname\t Madi","Height\t 5' 2\" (1.57 m)","Mini Bio (1)","Madison Blaine McLaughlin (born November 5,1995) is an American actress best known for her roles in television as Krissy Chambers in the CW series Supernatural and Annabeth 'Annie' Lisbon in the CBS series The Mentalist.","McLaughlin was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and has three little sisters, Marissa, Mallory, and Mahrynn. After appearing in a local commercial at the young age of two years old, McLaughlin knew she wanted to be in front of the camera. However, it wasn't until she enrolled in acting classes at age six that she truly began to fall in love with the art of creating a character that comes to life on stage. At age eleven, McLaughlin moved to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career, landing roles in plays such as \"Sound of Music\". She also filmed various commercials, music videos, and short films. McLaughlin filmed her first independent film entitled \"Young Again\" starring The Twilight Saga's Jackson Rathbone in 2007. McLaughlin went on to appear in films such as \"Stacy's Mom\" and \"Meteor Apocalypse\" before portraying the tough and witty Annie Lisbon on the CBS hit series The Mentalist, opposite of Simon Baker, Robin Tunney, and Henry Thomas (E.T.). Her work on The Mentalist was quickly followed by her portrayal of the hard-as-nails Krissy Chambers on the CW hit Sci-Fi/horror series, \"Supernatural\", working opposite of Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. McLaughlin can also be seen on the Disney Channel series \"Get Connected\".

Overview (4)","Date of Birth\t5 November 1995, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA","Birth Name\tMadison Blaine Favaron","Nickname\t Madi","Height\t 5' 2\" (1.57 m)","Mini Bio (1)","Madison Blaine McLaughlin (born November 5,1995) is an American actress best known for her roles in television as Krissy Chambers in the CW series Supernatural and Annabeth 'Annie' Lisbon in the CBS series The Mentalist.","McLaughlin was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and has three little sisters, Marissa, Mallory, and Mahrynn. After appearing in a local commercial at the young age of two years old, McLaughlin knew she wanted to be in front of the camera. However, it wasn't until she enrolled in acting classes at age six that she truly began to fall in love with the art of creating a character that comes to life on stage. At age eleven, McLaughlin moved to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career, landing roles in plays such as \"Sound of Music\". She also filmed various commercials, music videos, and short films. McLaughlin filmed her first independent film entitled \"Young Again\" starring The Twilight Saga's Jackson Rathbone in 2007. McLaughlin went on to appear in films such as \"Stacy's Mom\" and \"Meteor Apocalypse\" before portraying the tough and witty Annie Lisbon on the CBS hit series The Mentalist, opposite of Simon Baker, Robin Tunney, and Henry Thomas (E.T.). Her work on The Mentalist was quickly followed by her portrayal of the hard-as-nails Krissy Chambers on the CW hit Sci-Fi/horror series, \"Supernatural\", working opposite of Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. McLaughlin can also be seen on the Disney Channel series \"Get Connected\".






NCIS(海军犯罪调查机构)是一部关于一支特工小组的动作剧集,这支小组隶属五角大楼的特别部门,肩负着调查任何有一丝证据证明与海军及海军陆战队人员有关的犯罪,且不论其级别或职位的高低。领导这支小组并独立于海军指挥系统的是NCIS特工Leroy Jethro Gibbs,这名经验丰富的调查员与审问员是个机智、强硬并且为了完成任务愿意打破常规的人。直接受Gibbs领导的是Anthony DiNozzo特工,作为一名前重案组探员,其出色的本能来自于大量的调查经验。之后加入他们俩的是Kate Todd,一个美丽而又坚强的前特勤处特工,曾与Gibbs短兵相接。还有从事技术分析工作的Abby Sciuto,是一名天才科学家,她那黑色幽默与哥特风格的装扮相得益彰。新加入小队的是Timothy McGee,麻省理工学院(MIT,剧中经常会提到)的毕业生,他对电脑的精通使他在Gibbs率领的小组中成为一名见习特工。在小组背后默默支持的是法医Donald "Ducky" Mallard,他见多识广。从谋杀、间谍活动到恐怖活动、盗窃潜艇,这些特工们为了调查所有与海军及海军陆战队相关的犯罪活动,足迹遍布全世界。





芝加哥警署的第21辖区有两组完全不同的警察。其中一组是穿制服的警察,负责在街道上巡逻,直接打击和处理街头犯罪行为。另一组被称作情报组,负责打击危害这座城市的主要毒瘤——黑帮犯罪、毒品走私、高级别谋杀案,诸如此类。负责领导情报组的的是Hank Voight警官(Jason Beghe)。他是一个不怕破坏规矩的人——只要能维护正义,哪怕和法律对着干他也在所不惜。他为人强悍,要求严格,只有那些能上得刀山下得火海的人才能在他的手下当差。就拿Antonio Dawson侦探(Jon Seda)来说——尽管他与上司有过一段复杂的历史,但他对于指挥这样一个团队充满雄心。即便那意味着他每天都要和Voight闹矛盾,也阻止不了他要留下来的决心。那些街头巡警每天都在盯着情报组看,他们梦想得到升职并加入这个精英团队。而对于已经身在其中的人来说,这份工作每天都意味着挑战,他们必须为这座城市保驾护航并承担巨大的责任。有些时候责任会变成压力,而压力会带来心理和情感上的创伤——走出第21辖区的办公室,走入这些侦探的个人生活,你就会明白这句话的含义。





芝加哥警署的第21辖区有两组完全不同的警察。其中一组是穿制服的警察,负责在街道上巡逻,直接打击和处理街头犯罪行为。另一组被称作情报组,负责打击危害这座城市的主要毒瘤——黑帮犯罪、毒品走私、高级别谋杀案,诸如此类。负责领导情报组的的是Hank Voight警官(Jason Beghe)。他是一个不怕破坏规矩的人——只要能维护正义,哪怕和法律对着干他也在所不惜。他为人强悍,要求严格,只有那些能上得刀山下得火海的人才能在他的手下当差。就拿Antonio Dawson侦探(Jon Seda)来说——尽管他与上司有过一段复杂的历史,但他对于指挥这样一个团队充满雄心。即便那意味着他每天都要和Voight闹矛盾,也阻止不了他要留下来的决心。那些街头巡警每天都在盯着情报组看,他们梦想得到升职并加入这个精英团队。而对于已经身在其中的人来说,这份工作每天都意味着挑战,他们必须为这座城市保驾护航并承担巨大的责任。有些时候责任会变成压力,而压力会带来心理和情感上的创伤——走出第21辖区的办公室,走入这些侦探的个人生活,你就会明白这句话的含义。